Speaker Details


Jayesh Ahire

Product Manager at TraceableAI

API Security Deep Dive

Part 1: Introduction to API and Security Fundamentals of APIs: Understanding RESTful and SOAP APIs API Security: Importance and Implications Current landscape of API security Part 2: Common API Security Threats Understanding the OWASP API Security Top 10 Exploring common API vulnerabilities: Injection, Improper assets management, Excessive data exposure Case studies of real-world API security breaches Part 3: API Security Measures Authentication and Authorization: OAuth, JWT, OpenID Connect Role of encryption in API security Strategies for securing APIs: Rate limiting, IP whitelisting, and more Building secure API from the ground up: secure coding practices Part 4: Advanced API Security Techniques API gateway security measures Microservices and API security Security in GraphQL and gRPC APIs

Speaker's Bio

Jayesh Ahire is the Product Manager at TraceableAI where he works on the Company’s API Security initiative. He is the maintainer of OWASP crAPI, Hypertrace, and many other notable OSS Projects. He is AWS ML Hero, Twilio champion, and runs API Security Global Community. He also runs AWS UG, Elastic UG, TensorFlow UG, and many other communities in US and India. His research interest involved Distributed neural computers and Defi. In his free time, he likes to read and these days he is learning to play the piano.


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